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Enter Shipping Container Offices

With the changing dynamics of the 21st century, a lot of us started actively working from home. This situation, of course, is mostly a direct effect of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2022, however, it also makes perfect sense from many different aspects. For starters, it costs less to maintain your business from your home or surroundings. It’s way more practical, efficient, and comfortable overall. Even with all the advantages of working from a home office brings to the table, you may still need a separate working space to maintain your business for balance and convenience purposes. For that, we have the ideal alternative; shipping container offices.


Shipping container offices bring numerous benefits when it comes to getting yourself a new office space. They are cheap, safe, and bring many more advantages. For starters, shipping container offices are very cost-effective alternatives in comparison to brick and mortar offices. Your expenditure for getting a shipping container office will be very little compared to buying or renting an actual office space. The first reason for this is that the construction is mostly already in place, and all you have to do is add a few modifications to your new shipping container office.


The pros of working from a shipping container office don’t end up here as well. When you place your shipping container office near your home, you have more time as commotion is little to none, you spend more time with your family and pets, there are numerous tax advantages, and more so. Now, when we look at all of this from the perspective of shipping containers, they give you all the benefits of home offices and many more! Let’s see the pros and cons of getting yourself a shipping container office right below.


Pros and Cons of Shipping Container Offices


  • Very cost-effective alternative to buying or renting a brick and mortar office space,
  • Better work and life balance,
  • Having more freedom in terms of customization through modifications,
  • They are portable and can be carried to any place conveniently,
  • They are spacious and can be quite comfortable,
  • Tax benefits,



  • You may require a permit just like a regular home or office,
  • You may need to get professional assistance from home builders and shipping container companies to give you insights into how to get a shipping container office,


Overall, the pros generally beat the cons of obtaining a shipping container office in comparison to buying or renting a brick and mortar office space. Now, you may be wondering, how you choose the right shipping container office for you? Let’s see suggestions from some of our experts when you consider getting yourself an office container.Shipping Container Offices 2

How to Choose Right Container as Your Office

When choosing your new shipping container office, the process might seem straightforward, however, there are a couple of important factors to consider for your new office space. We shortly listed them as below:

  • Size. The size of the shipping container office you buy will be relevant to the amount of office space you require for your business. You have the options of picking from the standard sizes, which are 20ft, and 40ft containers. You can also get yourself custom sizes such as the 8ft, and 45ft versions.
  • New or used containers. There are both new and used shipping containers that you can consider. New ones are called one-trip containers, as they are purchased and sent from overseas with cargo ships through just one trip. Used ones can be a much better alternative in terms of cost and they generally come with certificates if purchased from trustworthy companies such as ourselves, so they will be as good as new ones!
  • Price. Container prices vary seasonally and inventories for modifications may vary, that is why it is a good idea to check with a professional supplier to get the best deal. We will gladly provide you a free quote.
  • Delivery. The fees for delivering your new shipping container office will depend on your location. This is sometimes included with your payment, and you should ask about this prior to purchasing.
  • Modifications. A major amount of shipping container offices can be modified according to your needs and liking. Some of them even come with their own modifications during purchasing. You should always ask about modifications to suit your needs when purchasing a shipping container office. We will talk more about these down below.


Modification Options for Your Shipping Container Office

Shipping container offices for sale also come with lots of benefits and perks mainly in the form of modifications! You can alter them to a point where you will not even realize the difference between them and regular homes or offices. Here are some of our recommendations about what modifications you can add to your new shipping container office.


  • Kitchen. Nowadays every good office needs a kitchen for daily operating purposes, whether you want to make some coffee for yourself and your clients or just simply heat up your meal. You can add a very modern and classy kitchen to your shipping container office unit.
  • Air Conditioner. AC units are a must if you plan on working comfortably in your shipping container offices. You can add them alongside different vents such as turbine vents, solar turbine vents, and louvered vents.
  • Electrical installations. We will easily install electrical systems in your shipping container office with no huss and fuss. They will be easy to maintain and operate from within or outside of your unit.
  • Exterior paint. We can custom paint your shipping container office to any color you like to suit your taste and needs.
  • Shelving system. If you are looking for a shelving system to either display your products or organize your surroundings a shelving system will be an absolute lifesaver for you.
  • Personnel door. You can add as many doors as you want to your shipping container offices. If you desire something reminiscent of your home, we can install a sliding glass door. You can select a french door to add class.
  • Windows. You can add windows to your unit in any amount you want. They can also be sliding windows for ease of usage.
  • Security lockboxes for doors and windows. Now, this is rather neat and provides you a good amount of security like a home does. You can add high-security lockboxes for your doors and security bars for your windows.
  • Solar power. You heard it right, you can harness the power of nature with this renewable and long-term cost-efficient power option for your shipping container office.


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Final Thoughts on Shipping Container Offices

Overall, getting a shipping container office for your workspace is very cost and time-efficient. You can place it in your backyard, somewhere close to your home, or the location of your business. This way you will save a lot of time, money, and get the benefits of any modifications that suit your needs. We will also gladly assist you in packing, delivery, and assembly of your shipping container offices. You can get more information regarding these services by contacting us.


All in all, this is the end of our brief blog post covering everything about shipping container offices! If you are interested in learning more about shipping container offices and shipping container homes in general you can check out our other blog posts such as Everything You Need To Know About Shipping Container Homes.


We are sure you will find more useful information regarding shipping containers through our website. Until next time, be safe and stay in happy mood!

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