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Brief Guide to Creating Shipping Container Hotels

With the coming of 2022, the world is rapidly shifting towards sustainable solutions and eco-friendly business solutions. Shipping container hotels are an excellent choice for this matter. If you are looking to build a hotel complex with sustainable perks in mind then this blog post is perfectly meant for you.


Shipping containers are low maintenance, nature-friendly, and can be very creatively distinctive for your fellow guests. We gathered a list of useful information for you to have a general idea of creating your very own shipping container hotel. Keep on reading and let’s get started below!

Ups and Downs of Shipping Container Hotels

For starters, you may want to learn the general pros and cons of shipping container hotels. With everything in life, shipping container hotels also have their high and low points. We listed a couple of the important ones for you below.


Pros of Shipping Container Hotels

  • Fast construction times,
    • Since the steel framework is already completed, constructing a hotel from shipping containers is pretty fast and straightforward,
  • Cost-effective,
    • Less material means fewer expenses, and shipping containers are pretty cost-efficient in this regard,
  • Durability and toughness,
    • On average a 40-foot shipping container unit has more than 8,000 pounds of steel, this means you will be purchasing a very high durability unit for utilization of hotel rooms,
  • Eco-friendly,
    • Using steel as its main skeleton means that shipping containers do not require as many other building materials such as wood and masonry, this ensures that your environmental footprint will be minimal,
  • Mobility,
    • Shipping container units are highly portable and, thus, they can be mobilized to be relocated to anywhere on the globe that you desire. If you don’t mind the hassle, you can even move your entire shipping container hotel to two different locations adhered both to summer and winter for separate seasonal services,
  • Creative freedom,
    • You can modify your shipping container units however you want with whatever painting you’d like. You can install and customize windows, security lockboxes, door styles, outer painting, electrical installations, UV solar systems; the options are practically endless,


Cons of Shipping Container Hotels

  • Permits and codes,
    • Many states and local municipalities require you to get permits and abide by building codes to construct settlements, houses, hotels, and such establishments from shipping container homes. Obtaining them can be an arduous task but it is nevertheless perfectly attainable. For more info regarding this call our office and we will be more than happy to assist you with your questions,
  • Previous cargo of your shipping container units matter and can be dangerous,
    • You need to make sure that your newly purchased shipping container units were not used for carrying harmful substances such as chemicals. That’s where certification comes into play. We will briefly delve more into this below,
  • Requires certification,
    • The longevity, durability, and safety of your shipping container units need to be warranted by a valid certification as stated above. For this matter, you should only make purchases from trusted and certified suppliers such as ourselves at CMG. Certification not only ensures the perks mentioned above but also is essential for obtaining permits and abiding by state regulations.


Now that we know the advantages and hardships of shipping container hotels it is time to determine the best container types for your brand new hotel.


alterra-glamping-hotelImage Source: Alterra Glamping

Best Container Types for Shipping Container Hotels

When it comes to creating a hotel complex solely from shipping container units, the choices are very extensive. We will firstly be delving into the standard-sized shipping containers for general purpose usage, such as creating hotels rooms and storage. Afterward, we will be talking about essential units such as restrooms, showers, cafeterias, and restaurants. Finally, there are specialized modular containers that you might be interested in depending on your requirements. Without further ado let’s get started!


First and foremost, we need hotel rooms. For these, you can opt for standard-sized shipping container units such as the 20 and 40-foot ones. There are also different variations such as 8’ and 45’. If you are perhaps looking for something that is more customized towards your needs and tastes that is also a totally viable option! For fully customized shipping container units for hotels, you can contact us and we will be briefing you with whatever information you need.


Moving on, you will need essential units for making sure your guests are provided for such as restaurants, cafeterias, restrooms, showers, and even swimming pools! While your rooms will most certainly have their own bathrooms, you can add additional ones close by to your swimming pool. You might also want to consider constructing a restaurant or cafeteria made from modular container units. They will not only match your shipping container theme but also will be a very practical option for your hotel. And of course, one of the staple points of any hotel; swimming pools. You can repurpose shipping container units to make creative swimming pools out of them. They will look gorgeous and interesting, which is always a big plus for any establishment!


Lastly, we have specialized containers depending on your requirements. You can construct prefab guest houses for your employees so that they can have a reminiscent place to reside of their homes. For entertainment purposes, you can create a cozy bar out of a shipping container unit. You will have endless customization options as each facet of the container can be modified. On the last note, you can even construct a garage out of shipping containers. The size and shape of the garage can be modified as well depending on the space you require. This will be an excellent option both for your guests and your business as you won’t be needing to think about weather conditions affecting vehicles.


If you have other creative options in your mind for your shipping container hotel we can help you out regarding design and construction. Feel free to contact us at our office to further discuss your unique ideas! Now let’s talk about modifications down below.


contained-shipping-container-hotelImage Source: Contained Shipping Container Hotel

Modification Ideas for Shipping Container Hotels

Shipping container hotels also come with lots of benefits and perks mainly in the form of modifications! You can alter them to a point where you will not even realize the difference between them and regular homes or offices. Here are some of our recommendations about what modifications you can add to your new shipping container hotels.


  • Kitchen. Nowadays every good hotel room needs a kitchen, whether you want to make some coffee for yourself or just simply heat up your meal. You can add a very modern and classy kitchen to your shipping container unit.
  • Bedroom Cabinets. You can easily add bedroom options for your hotel rooms in any form you like. You can opt for various qualities depending on the quality of your room.
  • Bathrooms. Without spending a fortune, you can create inviting and remarkable living spaces with shipping containers. In addition to being cost-efficient, shipping container living spaces are very functional: You can add practical bathrooms for your hotel rooms.
  • Air Conditioner. AC units are a must for your guests, especially during summer times. You can add them alongside different vents such as turbine vents, solar turbine vents, and louvered vents.
  • Electrical installations. We will easily install electrical systems in your shipping container units with no huss and fuss. They will be easy to maintain and operate from within or outside of your unit.
  • Exterior paint. We can custom paint your shipping containers to any color you like to suit your taste and needs.
  • Personnel door. You can add as many doors as you want to your shipping containers. If you desire something reminiscent of our homes for your guests, we can install a sliding glass door. You can select a french door to add class.
  • Windows. You can add windows to your unit in any amount you want. They can also be sliding windows for ease of usage.
  • Security lockboxes for doors and windows. Now, this is rather neat and provides you a good amount of security like a home does. You can add high-security lockboxes for your doors and security bars for your windows.
  • Solar power. You heard it right, you can harness the power of nature with this renewable and long-term cost-efficient power option for your shipping container units!


dock-inn-shipping-container-hotelImage Source: Dock Inn Hotel

Final Notes for Shipping Container Hotels

Hopefully, our guide gave you a general understanding of building your very own shipping container hotel! When it comes to using shipping containers for hotels, the options are virtually endless and your creativity is the only limit. If you have further customized and more creative endeavors on your mind, feel free to reach out to us to bring your project to life!


As CMG Containers, we can help you build your dream shipping container hotel with ease. Our years of experience in the shipping container industry coupled with our extensive modification options will ensure that you have everything covered when constructing your very own hotel complex.


beach-box-shipping-container-hotelImage Source: Beach Box Hotel

This is the end of our brief blog post covering everything about shipping container hotels! If you are interested in learning more about shipping containers in general you can check out our other blog posts such as An Introduction to Cold Storage Refrigerated Shipping Containers and Enter Shipping Container Offices.


We are sure you will find more useful information regarding shipping containers through our website. Until next time, be safe and be in a happy mood!

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